Source code for data.matlab_dataset_wrapper

# Copyright or © or Copr. IETR/INSA Rennes (2019)
# Contributors :
#     Eduardo Fernandes-Montesuma (2019)
#     Florian Lemarchand (2019)
# OpenDenoising is a computer program whose purpose is to benchmark image
# restoration algorithms.
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import os

[docs]class MatlabDatasetWrapper: """This class wraps FullMatlabDataset and CleanMatlabDataset classes. It makes internal calls to Matlab through Python Matlab's engine to load one these classes into the workspace. Notes ----- This functions does not implement the interface provided by keras.utils.Sequence. It should only be used alongside with MatlabModel objects. Attributes ---------- engine : :class:`matlab.engine.MatlabEngine` Matlab engine instance. images_path : str String to directory containing dataset's images. partition : str String containing the dataset partition ('Train', 'Valid' or 'Test'). ext : dict Dictionary holding images extensions. Note that this dictionary should have keys only. patch_size : int Size of patches to be extracted. n_patches : int Number of patches to be extracted on each image. noiseFcn : str For CleanDataset only. Specifies the noising function that will be applied to images. It should be a function that accepts as input an image, and returns another image. If you need to specify parameters, you can do so by using Matlab's anonymous function syntax (by specifying noiseFcn="@(I) imnoise(I, 'gaussian', 0, 25/255)"), for instance. channel_format : str String containing 'grayscale' for grayscale images, or 'RGB' for RGB images. type : str String containing Clean (for CleanDataset) or Full (for FullDataset). See Also -------- :class:`model.MatlabModel` : for the type of model for which this class was designed to interact. """
[docs] def __init__(self, engine, images_path="./tmp/BSDS500/Train/ref", partition="Train", ext=None, patch_size=40, n_patches=16, noiseFcn="@(I) imnoise(I, 'gaussian', 0, 25/255)", channel_format="grayscale", type="Clean"): self.engine = engine self.images_path = images_path self.ext = {".jpg", ".png"} if ext is None else ext self.patch_size = patch_size self.n_patches = n_patches self.noiseFcn = noiseFcn self.channel_format = channel_format self.partition = partition self.type = type
[docs] def __call__(self): if self.type == "Clean": self.engine.evalc("imds_{} = imageDatastore('{}', 'FileExtensions', {})".format(self.partition, self.images_path, self.ext)) self.engine.evalc("imds_{}_noise = CleanMatlabDataset(imds_{}, 'PatchSize', {}, " \ "'PatchesPerImage', {}, 'noiseFcn', {}," \ "'ChannelFormat', '{}')".format(self.partition, self.partition, self.patch_size, self.n_patches, self.noiseFcn, self.channel_format)) elif self.type == "Full": self.engine.evalc("imds_{}_in = imageDatastore('{}'," "'FileExtensions', {})".format(os.path.join(self.partition, "in"), self.images_path, self.ext)) self.engine.evalc("imds_{}_ref = imageDatastore('{}'," "'FileExtensions', {})".format(os.path.join(self.partition, "ref"), self.images_path, self.ext)) self.engine.evalc("imds_{}_noise = FullMatlabDataset(imds_{}_in, imds_{}_ref, 'PatchSize', {}, " "'PatchesPerImage', {}, " "'ChannelFormat', '{}')".format(self.partition, self.partition, self.partition, self.patch_size, self.n_patches, self.channel_format)) else: raise ValueError("Expected type to be 'Clean' or 'Full', but got {}".format(self.type))