Source code for data.utils.corrupt

# Copyright or © or Copr. IETR/INSA Rennes (2019)
# Contributors :
#     Eduardo Fernandes-Montesuma (2019)
#     Florian Lemarchand (2019)
# OpenDenoising is a computer program whose purpose is to benchmark image
# restoration algorithms.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and
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import cv2
import numpy as np

from skimage.util.noise import random_noise


[docs]def gaussian_noise(ref, noise_level=15): """Gaussian noise Parameters ---------- ref : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Image to be noised. noise_level : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Level of corruption. Always give the noise_level in terms of 0-255 pixel intensity range. Returns ------- inp : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Noised image. """ inp = random_noise(ref, mode='gaussian', clip=False, var=(noise_level / 255) ** 2) assert inp.shape == ref.shape, "Shape mismatch between input ({}) and output ({})".format(inp.shape, ref.shape) return inp
[docs]def poisson_noise(ref): """Poisson noise Parameters ---------- ref : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Image to be noised. Returns ------- inp : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Noised image. """ inp = random_noise(ref, mode='poisson', seed=RANDOM_SEED, clip=True) assert inp.shape == ref.shape, "Shape mismatch between input ({}) and output ({})".format(inp.shape, ref.shape) return inp
[docs]def salt_and_pepper_noise(ref, noise_level=15): """Salt and pepper noise Parameters ---------- ref : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Image to be noised. noise_level : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Percentage of perturbed pixels. Returns ------- inp : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Noised image. """ assert noise_level >= 0 and noise_level <= 100, "Expected noise_level to be a percentage," \ "but got {}".format(noise_level) inp = random_noise(ref, mode='s&p', seed=RANDOM_SEED, clip=True, amount=noise_level / 100.0) assert inp.shape == ref.shape, "Shape mismatch between input ({}) and output ({})".format(inp.shape, ref.shape) return inp
[docs]def speckle_noise(ref, noise_level=15): """Speckle noise Parameters ---------- ref : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Image to be noised. noise_level : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Percentage of perturbed pixels. Returns ------- inp : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Noised image. """ inp = random_noise(ref, mode='speckle', clip=True, var=noise_level) assert inp.shape == ref.shape, "Shape mismatch between input ({}) and output ({})".format(inp.shape, ref.shape) return inp
[docs]def super_resolution_noise(ref, noise_level=2): """Noise due to down-sampling followed by up-sampling an image Parameters ---------- ref : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Image to be noised. noise_level : :class:`numpy.ndarray` scaling factor. For instance, for an image (512, 512), a factor 2 down-samples the image to (256, 256), then up-samples it again to (512, 512). Returns ------- inp : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Noised image. """ h, w = ref.shape[:2] downsampled_image = cv2.resize(ref, (h // noise_level, w // noise_level), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) inp = cv2.resize(downsampled_image, (h, w), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) assert inp.shape == ref.shape, "Shape mismatch between input ({}) and output ({})".format(inp.shape, ref.shape) return inp
def gaussian_blind_noise(ref, noise_min=0, noise_max=55): """Corruption for Blind Denoising adopted on DnCNN paper. Parameters ---------- ref : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Image to be noised. noise_min : float Minimum value for :math:`\sigma` parameter of gaussian noise. It should be specified as if images had range 0-255. noise_max : float Maximum value for :math:`\sigma` parameter of gaussian noise. It should be specified as if images had range 0-255. Returns ------- inp : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Noised image. """ sigma = np.random.uniform(noise_min, noise_max) return gaussian_noise(ref, noise_level=sigma) def jpeg_artifacts(ref, compression_rate=50): """Introduce JPEG artifacts through JPEG compression. Parameters ---------- ref : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Image to be noised. ref should be a 3D array (height, width, channel) of float dtype (range 0-1). compression_rate : int Compression percentage. Should be an integer between 0 and 100. """ assert (ref.dtype in ['float32', 'float64']), "Expected reference array to be float32 or float64," \ "but got {}".format(ref.dtype) assert (0 < compression_rate < 100), "Expected compression_rate to be between 0 and 100," \ " but got {}".format(compression_rate) # Converts image to uint8 _img = (ref * 255).astype('uint8') # Performs compression result, encimg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', _img, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 100 - compression_rate]) # Decodes image decimg = cv2.imdecode(encimg, 1) # Converts decimg to float decimg = decimg.astype(ref.dtype) / 255 if ref.ndim == 2 or ref.shape[-1] == 1: decimg = cv2.cvtColor(decimg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) return decimg