Source code for model.keras_model

# Copyright or © or Copr. IETR/INSA Rennes (2019)
# Contributors :
#     Eduardo Fernandes-Montesuma (2019)
#     Florian Lemarchand (2019)
# OpenDenoising is a computer program whose purpose is to benchmark image
# restoration algorithms.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can  use,
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import os
import json
import time
import pandas as pd

from keras import models, optimizers
from OpenDenoising import evaluation
from OpenDenoising.model import module_logger
from OpenDenoising.model import AbstractDeepLearningModel

def history_to_csv(csv_path, history):
    """Saves keras training history to csv

        csv_path: 'string': Path to csv file we want to save.
        history: 'History object returned by keras.models.Model.fit_generator

    df = pd.DataFrame(columns=history.history.keys())
    for key in history.history.keys():
        df[key] = history.history[key]
    df.to_csv(os.path.join(csv_path, "training_history.csv"))

[docs]class KerasModel(AbstractDeepLearningModel): """KerasModel wrapper class. Attributes ---------- model : :class:`keras.models.Model` Denoiser Keras model used for training and inference. return_diff : bool If True, return the difference between predicted image, and image at inference time. See Also -------- :class:`model.AbstractDenoiser` : for the basic functionalities of Image Denoisers. :class:`model.AbstractDeepLearningModel` : for the basic functionalities of Deep Learning based Denoisers. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model_name="DeepLearningModel", logdir="./logs/Keras", return_diff=False): super().__init__(model_name, logdir, framework="Keras", return_diff=return_diff)
[docs] def charge_model(self, model_function=None, model_path=None, model_weights=None, **kwargs): """Keras model charging function. There are four main cases for "charge_model" function: 1. Charge model architecture by using a function "model_function". 2. Charge model using .json file, previously saved from an existing architecture through the method keras.models.Model.to_json(). 3. Charge model using .yaml file, previously saved from an existing architecture through the method keras.models.Model.to_yaml() 4. Charge model using .hdf5 file, previously saved from an existing architecture through the method From these four cases, notice that only the last loads the model and the weights at the same time. Therefore, at the moment you are loading your model, you should consider specify "model_weights" so that this class can find and charge your model weights, which can be saved in both .h5 and .hdf5 formats. If this is not the case, and your architecture has not been previously trained, you can run the training and then save the weights by using keras.models.Model.save_weights() method, or by using KerasModel.train(), method present on this class. Parameters ---------- model_function : :class:`function` reference to a function that outputs an instance of :class:`keras.models.Model` class. model_path : str path to model .json, .yaml or .hdf5 file. model_weights : str path to model .hdf5 weights file. Notes ----- If your building function accepts optional arguments, you can specify them by using kwargs. Examples -------- Loading Keras DnCNN from class. Notice that in our implementation, depth is an optional argument. >>> from OpenDenoising import model >>> mymodel = model.KerasModel(model_name="mymodel") >>> mymodel.charge_model(model_function=model.architectures.keras.dncnn, depth=17) Loading Keras DnCNN from a .hdf5 file. >>> from OpenDenoising import model >>> mymodel = model.PytorchModel(model_name="mymodel") >>> mymodel.charge_model(model_path=PATH) Loading Keras DnCNN from a .json + .hdf5 file. >>> from OpenDenoising import model >>> mymodel = model.PytorchModel(model_name="mymodel") >>> mymodel.charge_model(model_path=PATH_TO_JSON, model_weights=PATH_TO_HDF5) """ assert (model_function is not None or model_path is not None), "You should provide at least a model_function\ or a model_path to build your neural network\ model" if model_path is not None: filename, extension = os.path.splitext(model_path) if extension == ".json" or extension == ".yaml": # Opens model architecture file with open(model_path, "r") as f: model_file = # Checks the extension (.json or .yaml) if extension == ".json": # Loads architecture from .json self.model = models.model_from_json(model_file) else: # Loads architecture from .yaml self.model = models.model_from_yaml(model_file) # Checks if there are extra weights to load if model_weights is not None: self.model.load_weights(model_weights) else: module_logger.warning("The model file does not contain any weight information. Be sure to train the" " network before running your tests.") else: self.model = models.load_model(model_path) else: self.model = model_function(**kwargs) if model_weights is not None:"Loading weights from {}".format(model_weights)) self.model.load_weights(model_weights) else: module_logger.warning("You have loaded your model from a python function, which does not hold any " "information about weight values. Be sure to train the network before running" " your tests.") self.train_info = { "TrainTime": -1, "Trained": False, "NumParams": self.model.count_params() }
[docs] def train(self, train_generator, valid_generator=None, n_epochs=1e+2, n_stages=5e+2, learning_rate=1e-3, optimizer_name=None, metrics=None, kcallbacks=None, loss=None, valid_steps=10, **kwargs): """Function to run the training of a Keras Model. Notes ----- There are two cases where training should be launched: 1. You only loaded your model architecture. In that case, this function will train your model from scratch using the dataset specified by train_generator and valid_generator. 2. You loaded an architecture and weights for your model, but you want to reuse them. It may be the case where you want to run your training for a few more epochs, or even perform transfer learning. Parameters ---------- train_generator : :class:`data.AbstractDataset` Train data generator. Notice that these generators should output paired image samples, the first, a noised version of the image, and the second, the ground-truth. valid_generator : :class:`data.AbstractDataset` Validation data generator n_epochs : int Number of epochs for which the training will be executed n_stages : int Number of batches of data are drawn per epoch. learning_rate : float Initial value for learning rate value for optimization optimizer_name : str Name of optimizer employed. Check `Keras documentation <>`_ for more information. metrics : list List of tensorflow functions implementing scalar metrics (see metrics in evaluation). kcallbacks : list List of keras callback instances. Consult Keras documentation and evaluation module for more information. loss : function Tensorflow-based loss function. It should take as input two Tensors and output a scalar Tensor holding the loss computation. valid_steps : int Number of batches drawn during evaluation. """ # Default parameters if optimizer_name is None: optimizer_name = "Adam" if loss is None: loss = evaluation.tf_mse # Retrieve functions from strings optimizer_class = getattr(optimizers, optimizer_name) optimizer = optimizer_class(lr=learning_rate, **kwargs) self.model.compile(loss=loss, optimizer=optimizer, metrics=metrics) # Train the model start = time.time() self.model.fit_generator( generator=train_generator, steps_per_epoch=n_stages, epochs=n_epochs, validation_data=valid_generator, validation_steps=valid_steps, use_multiprocessing=False, callbacks=kcallbacks, shuffle=True, verbose=1 ) # Save information to json file self.train_info["TrainTime"] = time.time() - start self.train_info["Trained"] = True with open(os.path.join(self.logdir, self.model_name, "train_info.json"), "w") as f: json.dump(self.train_info, f)
[docs] def __call__(self, image): """Denoises a batch of images. Parameters ---------- image : :class:`numpy.ndarray` 4D batch of noised images. It has shape: (batch_size, height, width, channels) Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray`: Restored batch of images, with same shape as the input. """ predicted_image = self.model.predict(image) if self.return_diff: return image - predicted_image else: return predicted_image
[docs] def __len__(self): """Counts the number of parameters in the networks. Returns ------- nparams : int Number of parameters in the network. """ return self.model.count_params()