Source code for model.matlab_model

# Copyright or © or Copr. IETR/INSA Rennes (2019)
# Contributors :
#     Eduardo Fernandes-Montesuma (2019)
#     Florian Lemarchand (2019)
# OpenDenoising is a computer program whose purpose is to benchmark image
# restoration algorithms.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can  use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-C
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "".
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty  and the software's author, the holder of the
# economic rights, and the successive licensors have only  limited
# liability.
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
# therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
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# same conditions as regards security.
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
# knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.

import os
import numpy as np

from OpenDenoising.model import module_logger
from OpenDenoising.model import AbstractDeepLearningModel

    import matlab.engine
    from matlab.engine import EngineError
    from matlab.engine import MatlabExecutionError
except ImportError as err:
    module_logger.warning("Matlab engine was not installed correctly. Take a look on the documentation's tutorial for \
                          its installation.")

def kwargs_to_string(**kwargs):
    string = ""
    for i, argname in enumerate(kwargs):
        if i < len(kwargs) - 1:
            string += "'{}', {},".format(argname, kwargs[argname])
            string += "'{}', {}".format(argname, kwargs[argname])
    return string

[docs]class MatlabModel(AbstractDeepLearningModel): """Matlab Deep Learning toolbox wrapper class. Notes ----- To use this class you need a Matlab license with access to the Deep Learning toolbox. Attributes ---------- logdir : str Path to the directory where training logs will be saved. See Also -------- :class:`model.AbstractDenoiser` : for the basic functionalities of Image Denoisers. :class:`model.AbstractDeepLearningModel` : for the basic functionalities of Deep Learning based Denoisers. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model_name="MatlabModel", logdir="./logs/Matlab", return_diff=False): global MATLAB_IMPORTED assert MATLAB_IMPORTED, "Got expcetion {} while importing matlab.engine. Check Matlab's Engine installation.".format(err) try: self.engine = matlab.engine.start_matlab() except EngineError as err: module_logger.exception("Matlab license error. Make sure you have a valid Matlab license.") raise err assert self.engine.license('test', 'neural_network_toolbox'), "Expected Neural Network Toolbox to be installed." super().__init__(model_name, framework="Matlab", return_diff=return_diff) self.logdir = logdir
[docs] def charge_model(self, model_function=None, model_path=None, **kwargs): """MatlabModel model charging functions This function works by using Matlab's Python engine to make Matlab internal calls. You can either specify the path to a Matlab function that will build the model, or to a .mat file holding the pretrained model. Notes ----- You may specify optional arguments to the model building function through keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- model_function : str String containing the path to the matlab .m function that will build the model. Note that this function should return a list of layers. model_path : str String containing the path to the .mat file holding the trained network object. """ assert (model_function is not None or model_path is not None), "You should provide at least a model_function\ or a model_path to build your neural network\ model" if model_function is not None: model_function = model_function.split("/") model_function_path = "/".join(model_function[:-1]) function_filename = model_function[-1] function_name, _ = os.path.splitext(function_filename) self.engine.addpath(os.path.abspath(model_function_path)) if self.engine.which(function_filename) == '': raise ValueError("Function {} is not in PATH".format(model_function)) self.engine.evalc("layers = {}({});".format(function_name, kwargs_to_string(**kwargs))) elif model_path is not None: self.engine.evalc("load('{}');".format(model_path))
[docs] def train(self, train_generator, valid_generator=None, n_epochs=250, n_stages=500, learning_rate=1e-3, optimizer_name="adam", valid_steps=10): """Trains a Matlab denoiser model. Notes ----- Instead of using Clean/Full/Blind dataset Python classes, you should use the class MatlabDatasetWrapper, which exports a dataset to matlab workspace. Parameters ---------- train_generator : str Name of the matlab imageDatastore variable (for instance, if you have train_imds in your workspace you should pass 'train_imds' for train_generator). valid_generator : str Name of the matlab imageDatastore variable (for instance, if you have train_imds in your workspace you should pass 'valid_imds' for valid_generator). n_epochs : int Number of training epochs. n_stages : int Number of image batches are drawn during a training epoch. learning_rate : float Initial value for learning rate value for optimization. optimizer_name : str One among {'sgdm', 'adam', 'rmsprop'} See Also -------- :class:`data.MatlabDatasetWrapper` : for the class providing data to train such kinds of models. """ assert optimizer_name in ['sgdm', 'adam', 'rmsprop'], "Expected optimizer_name to be in {}, but got {}".format( ['sgdm', 'adam', 'rmsprop'], optimizer_name ) if optimizer_name == None: optimizer_name = "adam" try: self.engine.workspace.__getitem__("{}".format(train_generator)) except MatlabExecutionError as err: raise MatlabExecutionError("Variable {} is not in Matlab's workspace."\ "Workspace:\n".format(train_generator, self.engine.workspace)) if valid_generator: print("opts = trainingOptions('{}', {});".format(optimizer_name, kwargs_to_string( Plots="'training-progress'", Verbose="true", VerboseFrequency=n_stages, MaxEpochs=n_epochs, Shuffle="'every-epoch'", ValidationData="valid_imds", CheckpointPath="'{}'".format(self.logdir) ))) # Adds datasets to workspace self.engine.evalc("opts = trainingOptions('{}', {});".format(optimizer_name, kwargs_to_string( Plots="'training-progress'", Verbose="true", VerboseFrequency=n_stages, MaxEpochs=n_epochs, Shuffle="'every-epoch'", ValidationData=valid_generator, CheckpointPath="'{}'".format(self.logdir) ))) else: self.engine.evalc("opts = trainingOptions('{}', {});".format(optimizer_name, kwargs_to_string( Plots="'training-progress'", Verbose="true", VerboseFrequency=n_stages, MaxEpochs=n_epochs, Shuffle="'every-epoch'", CheckpointPath="'{}'".format(self.logdir) ))) self.engine.evalc("net = trainNetwork({}, layers, opts)".format(train_generator)) self.engine.evalc("save('{}.mat', 'net')".format(self))
[docs] def __call__(self, image): """Denoises a batch of images. Notes ----- To perform inference on MatlabModels, you need to have a variable on Matlab's workspace called 'net'. This variable is the output of a training session, or the result of a load('obj'). Parameters ---------- image: :class:`numpy.ndarray` 4D batch of noised images. It has shape: (batch_size, height, width, channels) Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray`: Restored batch of images, with same shape as the input. """ if image.shape[-1] in [1, 3]: # Matlab's convention: height x width x channels x batch_size image = np.transpose(image, [1, 2, 3, 0]) elif image.shape[1] in [1, 3]: # Matlab's convention: height x width x channels x batch_size image = np.transpose(image, [2, 3, 1, 0]) # Copy data into Matlab's workspace self.engine.workspace['Xbatch'] = matlab.double(image.tolist()) # Denoises data using net object. self.engine.evalc("predicted_image = denoiseImage(Xbatch, net);") if not self.return_diff: # Returns difference between predicted image and input image. self.engine.evalc("predicted_image = Xbatch - predicted_image;") return np.transpose(np.array(self.engine.workspace['predicted_image']), [3, 0, 1, 2])
[docs] def __len__(self): """Counts the number of parameters in the networks. Returns ------- nparams : int Number of parameters in the network. """ n_params = 0 for i in range(1, eng.eval("length(net)") + 1): if 'Convolution2DLayer' in eng.eval("class(net.Layers({}))".format(i)): n_params += eng.eval("prod(size(net.Layers({}).Weights)) + prod(size(net.Layers({}).Bias))".format(i, i)) if 'BatchNormalizationLayer' in eng.eval("class(net.Layers({}))".format(i)): n_params += eng.eval("prod(size(net.Layers({}).Offset)) + prod(size(net.Layers({}).Scale))".format(i, i))